Staatliches Bauamt München 2
Ludwigstrasse 18
80539 München
laboratories, offices,
seminar rooms, cafeteria,
underground parking
Work phases
2 – 5 building planning
Safety level
Planning start
Construction time
2014 – 2016
16.980 m²
73.381 m³
UA 1-7
8.012 m²
The TranslaTUM completes the development of the east side of the clinic campus and, with its significant main body, has become an iconic trademark for the campus site. With its unique form of urban development, the design summarises the complete site and through its significant volume, redefines the corner of Einstein-Trogerstraße. Subareas were removed from the building mass at locations relevant to the urban development. This creates a volume with a striking s-shape.
The new building intends to aid cooperation, scientific communication and exchange between basic researchers of various disciplines (biology, biomedicine, biochemistry, physics, engineering sciences) and to stimulate and reinforce the work of doctors in the clinics. The bright entrance hall with its open, curving staircase and large gallery openings creates a variety of visual links. It also forms a communicative center between the three above-ground department storeys, used as offices and laboratories.
The facade corresponds to the basic idea of the design and the building’s multi-layered uses. It is horizontally structured featuring continuous strips of window elements as well as horizontally corrugated ceramic plates in nuanced white shades. These plates accentuate the wave-like shell of the building and summarise the laboratory and office areas. “Public areas” such as the cafeteria, the seminar rooms, the auditorium on the ground floor and the entrance areas are excluded from the facade system.