New laboratory building, Institute of Physiology

Christian-Albrecht's-University of Kiel


Land Schleswig-Holstein vertreten durch
Gebäudemanagement Schleswig-Holstein AöR
Gartenstrasse 6
24103 Kiel


seminar and  internship areas
laboratories, offices

Work phases

2 – 8 building planning

Safety level

S1, S2

Planning start


Construction time

2016 – 2022


6.383 m²


27.459 m³

UA 1-7

2.703 m²

The new 6-storey building combines a multitude of different uses under one roof. In addition to office, research and living areas, the building consist in seminar and course rooms, measuring rooms for physiological examinations and trials, workshops, as well as storage and technical facilities. The U-shaped building fulfils the high demands of the site for encouraging interconnectivity among its various users, historical conservation, networking on campus as well as foundation renewal.

The structure creates a new presence on the university grounds with its folded gable roof, a clearly structured façade made of ventilated glass fibre concrete slabs with horizontal window elements. A newly developed sheltered inner courtyard and an attractive entrance to the CAU Institute of Physiology cut into the main structure. The repeating horizontal windows brighten and optically unite the new building with its lively, asymmetric roof.  The areas dedicated to teaching, and therefore more public areas are visible through large glass areas in the facade.

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